Premium Aquatics

Serving aquarists since 1996

Premium Aquatics

Premium Aquatics


External Refugium - Why Choose Premium Aquatics? 

An external refugium is a great choice for growing plants. You can visit: to purchase.

It can be used with an internal pump or an external one. Its large refugium allows the water to circulate easily. A pump is also available in an external option for those with low lighting requirements. The external option is also good for those who want to save space. In either case, there are two different kinds of pumps. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages. Regardless of which one you choose, you'll be glad you invested in a quality model.
A simple external refugium will fit on top of an ato container. It should be fed from a return pump. It should have a nightime pH control of about 8.5. This is a great solution for an external refugium, where you can easily monitor the pH levels of the water. However, there are other advantages to an external refugium, too. It can help you keep the water level in the sump below the level of the outside tank.
An external refugium is a perfect solution for those who need a large number of fish. An external refugium is a great choice for people who have small fish and don't have much space. Moreover, you can choose to keep it in an outside location if you don't have enough space to set up an internal one. There are many other benefits as well. It can help you grow a number of beneficial species.